Offer and profile

In the learning workshop, you can access numerous materials from the areas of primary school pedagogy, literacy acquisition, and general education. Here is a small insight:



The Learning Workshop offers the opportunity to build on the knowledge acquired in the study of primary school education in the subject area of “adaptivity” by building practical skills related to the field of work. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of diagnostic and support skills.

You will find:

  • open doors with narrated exhibitions of educational material for independent and guided learning, workshops, and further training for all three phases of teacher training (students, trainee teachers, and teachers).
  • specific courses on diagnosis and support within the framework of what is taught at the Institute of Primary Education Research.
  • specific courses for research-based learning during the Learning Workshop, in which diagnostic and support measures are evaluated.
  • study times with impulse workshops, in which the students’ own questions and inclinations which arise from the material or from reading the available books can be pursued.

The Learning Workshop at the Institute of Primary Education Research is characterised by its inclusiveness that seeks to include “ALL” children.

  • ALL groups of people who deal professionally with primary school children: students, trainee teachers, teachers, educators, special needs teachers…
  • … learning opportunities forALL: all children of primary school age should be supported according to their abilities. This particularly includes children with special needs!
  • ALL content, i.e. the three traditional areas: primary school education, acquisition of written language, and social studies and science.